Comments on: Per temps de pluie Brad, Jelly Bean and their Bikes Thu, 06 Jul 2017 19:53:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Fri, 05 Aug 2011 07:56:42 +0000 Hi Pa. Are you illuding to allusions? Or alluding to illusions? Anyway, the religious order that owned the chateau moved to the USA when France declared that no education could be controlled by anyone but the state. As they were an order that ran a school and taught the 4 R’s, they could not continue their school after this law came into being. Rather than ceasing to indoctrinate children in the lores of original sin, hell and flying zombies, they moved to the USA which seems to welcome teachers who truly believe the world is a little over 6000 years old.
As for the recent rapture, an American preacher recently promised a time and date for the rapture. Some of his adherents spent their worldly goods on advertising the rapture, or on other causes. When the promised day came and went with no rapture occurring, they were “perplexed”. The pastor rapidly re-did his calculations, and now they expect the rapture before some date late in October this year. Look him up, he is called Harold Camping.

By: Noel Levin Fri, 05 Aug 2011 02:16:50 +0000 I did not understand the illusions to: 1. The relocation of the de Matel Order to the USA and why it should suit them. 2. The recent rapture by that mad American preacher. Pa.

By: Brad Fri, 29 Jul 2011 07:41:19 +0000 We would stay in Calais, but it is full of bloody English.

By: Rich Bates Fri, 29 Jul 2011 07:37:49 +0000 always boulougne sur mer, just cant stay away can you !
